React Tips

Should your component have state or only props?

React's concepts and API and pretty simple. But like many things in software development, figuring out how to architect things can be more difficult. This topic is one of those architectural items.

React's website has good resources to explain the main issues to think about. Under under the "Getting Started" section, they have a page called "Thinking in React" that you should read.

In general, React seems to caution against Components holding state - saying that more often they should rely on props.

A tricky case: Component needs state from external data

One tricky case that I've come across is where it does make sense for a Component to hold its own state, but it needs to get the data for its state from somewhere else (like from the server). How should you handle this case?

TODO: Explain the situation with an example about a table component and its subcomponents (a subcomponent may need to store the list of rows in its own presentational way such as sorted and search-filtered).

You may have seen in the React docs the tip which declares that "Props in getInitialState is an Anti-Pattern". The gist is that, "Using props, passed down from parent, to generate state in getInitialState often leads to duplication of "source of truth", i.e. where the real data is". However, they go on to say that "it's not an anti-pattern if you make it clear that synchronization's not the goal here:".

var Counter = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    // naming it initialX clearly indicates that the only purpose
    // of the passed down prop is to initialize something internally
    return {count: this.props.initialCount};

  handleClick: function() {
    this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});

  render: function() {
    return <div onClick={this.handleClick}>{this.state.count}</div>;

ReactDOM.render(<Counter initialCount={7}/>, mountNode);

What are the options when using Flux?

We must also consider how our use of the Flux pattern comes into play (and specifically Redux). If we get server data using a Redux Action, how should we get that data into the Component that needs it for state?

Some say that an option is to make an Ajax call in the component's getInitialState method to get the initial data. But most sources say that the Ajax call should occur in the component's componentDidMount method. Of course, with Redux, the component would not make the Ajax call itself. It would use a Redux asynchronous action to fetch the data and the component would get the data from the Redux store. (Don't worry if that doesn't make sense yet. I have an entire chapter about Redux and a section about asynchronous actions.)

In summary, there are 2 options that we are exploring - each may be useful in certain situations:

  1. The Component receives the initial data as a prop with a self-documenting prop name, such as initialData. Or,
  2. The Component gets the data in its componentDidMount() method by interacting with the Redux store and actions to request and receive data.